Understanding Depression

By Lisa León

The following insights and strategies are gleaned from my decades-long experience with depression; however, they can only be of value if you recognize that you are currently grappling with depression. If you are reading this, chances are you find yourself in the same emotional abyss that I once navigated. Alternatively, you may know someone who is currently in the throes of depression. Acknowledging this condition constitutes a significant step. Seeking professional help is an even more substantial stride, and realizing that this is not your fault is perhaps the most significant realization of all. Understand that not everyone is fortunate enough to possess a harmonious internal chemistry; in fact, the majority of us do not.

Coming to terms with depression’s nature, accepting it, and recognizing it as a legitimate illness can be an arduous journey. It is not akin to a viral or bacterial infection, and it does not lend itself to a straightforward cure. Some individuals can manage it to varying degrees, while others cannot. Personally, I am fortunate that the initial treatment I received proved efficacious. Regrettably, I am aware of numerous individuals who have traversed the labyrinth of various medications, finding no respite, and my heart aches for them. Then there are those who, upon experiencing a semblance of well-being due to medication, prematurely cease treatment, only to relapse eventually. I must confess that I remain uncertain whether this cycle ever truly ceases. It certainly hasn’t in my case. At one point, I became so attuned to my depression that I could predict its return, approximately every three years. However, I erred in not maintaining a record – who makes a calendar for Depression? Moreover, there are the triggers, chief among them being the loss of a loved one. Then there are times when depression ambushes you without warning, and you remain oblivious to its presence until you find yourself ensnared in its relentless grip.

Here’s a tip for those who are just discovering their battle with the formidable adversary known as depression: If you recognize that you are in the throes of depression and can’t muster the strength to rise from your bed, make a concerted effort to stay hydrated. Consume ample water and, after each bathroom visit, replenish your glass. If you are like me, your bladder will undoubtedly ensure that you are compelled to rise.

Treat depression with the seriousness it warrants, for it is indeed a grave ailment. If you were afflicted with the flu or pneumonia, you would undoubtedly afford yourself the time to recover. Just because depression doesn’t manifest as readily on medical tests or receive an easily discernible diagnosis does not negate its status as a genuine disease. It unequivocally is a disease – a sinister one at that. Consequently, care for yourself accordingly.

It is entirely plausible that the simplest tasks, such as taking a shower, may appear insurmountable during depressive episodes. In such cases, endeavor to find an activity that necessitates a shower. Personally, I chose to dye my hair, but the notion of rolling in the mud holds a certain appeal as well.

Indulge and pamper yourself to the extent that your financial means permit. Some fortunate individuals may be able to afford a vacation – if you fall into this category, do not hesitate to seize the opportunity. Allocate time for self-care. For those who may not have such resources at their disposal, there are means of indulgence within the confines of your own abode. Run a warm bath, disconnect from the demands of the outside world by silencing your phone, and contemplate the obligations that weigh upon you – whether they pertain to work, children, or loved ones. That brief respite may be what you need to save your life.

For those who place a premium on keeping their promises, consider making a commitment to someone close to your heart – an individual with whom you share a profound connection. Pledge that you will not take any drastic measures without first having in a conversation with them. I myself have entered into this pact three times. The first occurred during my worst, agonizing bout with depression, when I made this promise to my mother. The second was a pact with the animals I have adopted, whose well-being I am responsible for throughout their lives. Most recently, I made a third pact with my cousin, who stands as a sisterly figure in my life. I assured her that I would not act without talking to her, recognizing that, in the event of a crisis, she possesses the ability to pierce the fog that envelops my mind. Those who hold promises dear should consider entering into such an arrangement.

Several of the most efficacious strategies for managing depression can prove to be the most challenging to implement during depressive episodes. Nutrition assumes paramount importance, with certain foods known to boost serotonin levels, while exercise releases endorphins and fosters a sense of accomplishment. Regrettably, it is all too easy to rationalize avoidance of these activities when depression casts its shadow.

One of the most taxing aspects of daily life during a depressive episode lies in the disconcerting realization that you remain ensnared in its clutches, even when engaged in routine activities. The world appears distorted, and an overwhelming sense of malaise pervades every moment. This stark contrast can be profoundly disheartening. At home, one may at least maintain a façade, but when immersed in the world amidst ostensibly joyful individuals, the extent of one’s inner turmoil becomes painfully apparent.

Lean into that sudden visibility of suffering as your sign to suffer out loud and ask for help.

Suffer Out Loud